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How to form our new sounds (letters)

Information for parents of Foundation Stage children on Mental Maths

Welcome to P1!

Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.

Our new P1 class!

This is our new P2 class, This year we have two new Classroom Assistants to work alongside Mrs McFerran, Mrs Cumper and Mrs Martin, Here are Cheryl and Ben with the class.

Our Topic for this Half Tern is Nursery Rhymes. We started this week with Incy Wincy Spider. There were lots of different activities and we had great fun!

We are loving the new series of lessons that we are having with Mini Groovers. Today was session 2. Thank you so much Lynn - we had a great time!

Our Christmas Nativity - Baubles!

Merry Chrismas from our Foundation Stage Staff!

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